Tag Archives: abortion clinics

Concerns Over Medical Malpractice as Manhattan Planned Parenthood Closes

For Immediate Release: March 25, 2025 Manhattan, NY—On March 19, 2025, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, announced plans to sell their Manhattan Flagship location, shuttering services in the Borough, citing financial difficulties and remaining conspicuously silent on recent allegations of substandard practice. Competition is growing in the abortion capital of the nation, with

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The Future is Not Abortion

Appalling. Outrageous. Disgraceful. Shocking. Horrendous. Inexcusable.  Those are just six words that can’t begin to describe the loss of 25 innocent lives—children who will not only never be born, but will never grow up, get jobs, get married, have children, and enjoy their grandchildren. They were not protected as human beings made in the Image

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What Is the Abortion Empire’s Post-Roe Reality?

How is the reversal of Roe impacting the abortion industry? The Roe reversal forced a change in the abortion industry overnight, as abortionists canceled thousands of abortion appointments for fear of legal action against them. The new abortion business model is a hub-and-spoke plan whereby women either travel to abortion hub states like New York

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