Tag Archives: abortion laws

Abortion Industry Course Corrects Ahead of National Restrictions

The U.S. abortion industry is restructuring ahead of a shift in the abortion battleground from the Federal level to the state. NARAL is the nation’s oldest, and at twenty-five million in annual revenue, the largest abortion lobby. Fearing the Supreme Court will allow states to restrict abortion as early as next year, the abortion juggernaut

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Planned Parenthood Stops Abortion After City Ordinance Bans It

In July Centerville, Texas became the 30th city in the state to pass an ordinance banning abortion, including chemical abortion, making it a crime for anyone to possess or distribute drugs intended for pregnancy termination. This chemical distinction is important for a small politically conservative town where such an ordinance arguably makes no material impact

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Circuit Courts Split Over Down Syndrome Abortions

Missouri’s Attorney General’s Office is asking the Supreme Court to resolve, “a clear and well-developed split of authority.” Missouri along with 11 other states passed laws outlawing the abortion of disabled babies, especially those with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. The petition states, “deeply entrenched forces within our medical establishment continue to treat unborn

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OK Joins Host of Other States Banning Abortion After Baby’s Heartbeat Starts

On April 26 Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill banning abortions after a baby’s heartbeat starts. In doing so, Oklahoma joins a host of states such as North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Iowa, Tennessee and others in protecting preborn children from abortion. Abortions cannot be performed without confirmation of pregnancy.  Pregnancy is confirmed by

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Christmas Celebrates An Unplanned Pregnancy

As it was for Mary, most pregnancies are a surprise. And welcome or not, each pregnancy represents the kind providence of the Lord and His intention for the parent to participate in His adorning of history with that new person. To a woman who is alone, unplanned pregnancy can appear hopeless. But from God’s view, there is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy. And where there is life, there is hope.

A Miracle in the Making

A miracle happened in Rochester and it is happening again in Buffalo. The scope of CompassCare’s services include not only reaching and serving women seriously considering abortion in Rochester, but also two other major ministry elements: 1) helping Pregnancy Decision Centers get better at reaching and serving women and 2) educating the community about the inestimable worth of each human life. Over the course of the last year another field of missional harvest was added to CompassCare’s approach – Buffalo. So, what is the miracle?

More Babies Saved Than Ever!

2018 was a year to celebrate! So far, 221 women considering abortion decided to have their baby boys and girls and 50 submitted their lives to Christ! Beyond that, abortion rates in Monroe County plummeted 17% according to the most recent NYS vital statistics. It is the largest year-over-year drop in Monroe County’s long abortion

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Abortion Battle Heats Up

Abortion Battle Heats Up

Having the most pro-life acting President since Roe v Wade is heating up the abortion battle. Fear of overturning the 1973 Supreme Court decision is driving liberal states to fever-pitched lawmaking frenzies. Places like New York have two goals: 1) Deregulate abortion, and 2) Regulate pro-life physicians and pregnancy centers. New York attempted to totally

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