Tag Archives: Abortion-minded women

Part IV: Ethical Standards for Serving Abortion-minded Women

Transparency, Integrity, and Full Disclosure: Due to the political, passionate and divisive nature of abortion women facing unplanned pregnancy are often the victims of biased information and sales tactics at abortion clinics and elsewhere. It is our belief based on serving thousands of abortion-minded women across the country every year that women need to be

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10% of All Client Appointments Are At Risk for Abortion Is Average?

At the average medical PRC, why is it that only 10% of the entire client load actually pregnant women seriously considering abortion? We have found that it has to do with how services are provided . . . based on a secular humanistic model of counseling. Can those Pregnancy Care Centers reverse that trend to

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Imagine 95% of Your Clients At-Risk for Abortion

Imagine 95% of the pregnant clients that walk through your doors at risk for abortion. What if I told you that there are pregnancy centers currently operating for whom this is happening. What if I told you that there are medical PRCs right now for whom 80-90% of their client load is actually pregnant? There

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Part I: Ethical Standards for Organizations Serving At-Risk Women

You and I know that the abortion industry has not identified nor do they use proper ethical standards of care when serving women facing unplanned pregnancy. Not necessarily news to you is it? Because of that the likelihood of a woman being victimized by the political and financial interests of those providers is drastically increased.

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What abortion-minded patients say about linear service model

Many Executives I know have wondered at how patients respond to a new paradigm of service.  At CompassCare we like to describe the service model we use as “linear” as opposed to a more traditional “global” model.  A linear model takes a patient very intentionally through a pre-defined step by step service process.  A global

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