Tag Archives: abortion

Big Abortion Behaving Eerily Similar to Big Tobacco?

A recent headline reads, “Abortion Pill Is Safer than Tylenol.” But U.S. data reveals emergency room visits after chemical abortion were 500% higher than that of surgical abortion. Tylenol? In 1930 Lucky Strikes cigarettes used physicians to endorse their product saying, “Luckies are less irritating.” By the 1950s there was good evidence that smoking is

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What Is the Abortion Empire’s Post-Roe Reality?

What Is the Abortion Empire’s Post-Roe Reality?

The Roe reversal forced a change in the abortion industry overnight, as abortionists canceled thousands of abortion appointments for fear of legal action against them. Over 50% of all abortions are now dangerous, chemical abortions, a rapidly increasing number of which are being sent to women’s homes in the mail. This is done via an

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Are Biden and Twenty-Two States’ Attorneys Generals Sacrificing the Victims of Sex Crimes on the Alter of Abortion?

Biden and Twenty-Two States’ Attorneys Generals Not Protecting Victims of Sex Crimes

Since the reversal of Roe v Wade, President Biden and twenty-two states’ attorneys general appear to be willing to turn a blind eye to sex offenders in order to protect abortion. In a post-Roe America, how will law enforcement ensure that the abortion industry isn’t violating the Mann Act while serving women from out of

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Abortion Clinics Cancel Appointments, Pivoting to a New Business Model

Abortion Clinics Cancel Appointments, Pivoting to a New Business Model

Since abortionists have been scheduling abortion procedures out two or more weeks in advance, the reversal of Roe caused the cancellation of thousands of abortion procedures in at least 26 states. Because the primary service of abortionists is abortion, scores of facilities will be sitting idle this week and will likely have to shutter for

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Pro-Abortion Terrorism Continues Post-Roe

Attacks on Christian, pro-life pregnancy centers have not subsided after the reversal of Roe v Wade on Friday, June 24. Christian, pro-life pregnancy centers are still the target of pro-abortion terrorist activity. The pro-abortion terrorist group Jane’s Revenge promised a “Night of Rage” for the evening Roe v Wade was reversed. While there were multiple

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Supreme Court Gives Abortion Debate Back to the People

Supreme Court Gives Abortion Debate Back to the People

The Supreme Court allowed Texas to ban abortions. Meanwhile they entertained a case designed to put a stake through the heart of the abortion ruling Roe v Wade. With the official publishing of the ruling Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, that is exactly what happened. Despite an unethical breach of judicial confidentiality sparking a pro-abortion

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Mainstream Media and Pro-Abortion Politicians Respond to Recent Pro-Abortion Terrorism, Advocating for the Restriction of Free Speech of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Mainstream Media and Pro-Abortion Politicians Respond to Recent Pro-Abortion Terrorism, Advocating for the Restriction of Free Speech of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Six days after the brutal firebombing of CompassCare’s pro-life medical office, NY State Legislature responded to the pro-abortion crime wave by callously investigating pro-life pregnancy centers instead of the arsonists. During Governor Hochul’s press conference at the bill signing, she added insult to injury, referring to pro-life people as sub-human. At the federal level, Congresswoman

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Startling New Abortion Trend Emerging in New York

A startling new abortion trend is emerging in New York. According to the recently released Vital Statistics tables from the New York State Department of Health, abortion is up 2.3%. Yet in some abortion hubs like Albany, abortion is up 11%. The cause of the increase is where it gets interesting. In-home chemical abortion is

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How Pro-Life Medical Pregnancy Centers Will Compete with Faltering, Billion-Dollar Abortion Empire

How Pro-Life Medical Pregnancy Centers Will Compete with the Faltering, Billion-Dollar Abortion Empire

This week the Supreme Court added additional opinion release days. Following the court’s current release pattern, they may have to add more opinion release days next week to deliver Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, the case that could reverse Roe. If Roe is reversed, the abortion industry will be forced to change its business model

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