Tag Archives: human rights

New York Times, Others, Refuse to Cover Pro-abortion Domestic Violence (RAN)

The New York Times has long been considered the gold standard in giving the facts of the day. But the Gray Lady ran an in-depth, one-sided hit piece attacking the pro-life service activity of a Texas-based group on June 23. On November 19 it ran a seven-page article attempting to discredit conservative Supreme Court Justice

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Pro-abortion Politicians Fear Battle with Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Will Expose Abortion Industry Crimes? (RAN)

Over 78 pro-life pregnancy centers have been attacked, including the firebombing of CompassCare’s Buffalo pro-life medical office injuring two firefighters. Instead of protecting pro-life citizens, the abortion capital of the U.S., New York, passed a bill June 13 investigating the very pro-life pregnancy centers at the height of violent attacks against them. December 13, 2022,

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Big Corp Hides Behind Abortion to Engage in Pregnancy Discrimination, Probe Says (RAN)

On November 9, pro-life strategist, Rev. Jim Harden, released a 9-point plan to protect women from abortion fraud. The plan stated that the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe is causing knee-jerk pro-abortion policies injuring women. The ninth point of Harden’s plan identifies policies promoted by corporations like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Google to pay for

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Will FBI Director Serve Hard Time? (RAN)

Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network CompassCare, stated that the FBI has been slow-walking justice for pro-life victims of violence and may be culpable under the Third “KKK” Act of 1871. Rep. Jim Jordan, Incoming Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, on November 18, sent letters to forty-two Biden Administration officials—including FBI Director

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Hillary Clinton Compares Pro-lifers to Terrorists—Jane’s Revenge Death Threats Follow (RAN)

Pro-abortion domestic terror group Jane’s Revenge, issued more death threats to pro-lifers in Omaha, Nebraska on December 3. Two days prior, Hillary Clinton compared pro-lifers to middle eastern terrorist regimes. The note was found taped to the door the morning of a Students for Life meeting at the John Paul II Newman Center in Omaha. Leader of firebombed pro-life medical

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Firebombed Pro-Life Medical Office Claims Bias; Town Attorney Comments Confirm (RAN)

The June 7 arson attack on CompassCare’s Pro-Life medical office outside of Buffalo by pro-abortion extremist group Jane’s Revenge, injured two firemen. Yet, four months after the firebombing and over 70 attacks nationwide, the FBI refuses to arrest anyone. Meanwhile, representing the Amherst Police near Buffalo, Attorney Stanley Sliwa told Buffalo news, “We don’t want

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Firebombed Pro-life Medical Network Asks Judge to Order Police to Return Video (RAN)

On September 19, a special proceeding was filed in the Supreme Court of New York ordering Amherst PD to return CompassCare’s video footage of a June 7 arson attack. The police department refused to even let CompassCare view their own footage. Following the attack, surveillance footage was released to Amherst PD in good faith. Law

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28 Congressmen Agree DOJ Fails to Provide Justice for Pro-life Pregnancy Centers (RAN)

On September 20, Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey, along with twenty-seven other members of Congress, announced a new House bill entitled Protect Pregnancy Care Centers Act 2022. The bill includes a list of all pro-life pregnancy centers victimized by what appears to be a coordinated nationwide effort. The act states in paragraph two, section

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Biden and Harris Use Christianity to Promote Abortion (RAN)

On October 4, the Second Reproductive Health Task Force meeting was hosted at the White House. Biden and Harris insisted they would enshrine abortion as a right through the legislature, fueling their mid-term election aspirations. Oddly, Harris invoked Christianity, asserting that religious beliefs do not preclude abortion. Most people are pro-life precisely because of their

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NY Gov Hochul Gives Abortionists Millions of Tax Payer Money to Expand (RAN)

Prior to the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling legalizing abortion nationwide, New York had already legalized it in 1970. At that time, the state became the abortion capital of the U.S. through abortion tourism. Now, as conservative states restrict the practice in a post-Roe America, New York is refueling abortion tourism.  New York Governor Hochul

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