Tag Archives: Legal

Abortionist Firebombed—Arrest Imminent

Sunday, January 15, at 11:30 P.M. the abortion business Planned Parenthood in Peoria, IL was firebombed. Similar attacks have occurred against 78 pro-life medical offices and pregnancy centers nationwide since the leak of the Supreme Court ruling overturning the longstanding abortion ruling Roe v Wade. The abortion anarchist group Jane’s Revenge claimed responsibility and threatens

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Pro-abortion Politicians Christianize Abortion to Criminalize Pro-lifers

On January 11 the 118th Congress passed H.R. 26, a bill dubbed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Democrats voted in lockstep, utilizing a new strategy. A floor speech by newly elected Rep. Hillary Scholten of MI, prior to the vote, underscored pro-abortion Democrat’s newest ploy to Christianize abortion, undermining the equality of all human

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48% of Congressmen Officially Reject the Protection of the Rights of Pro-Life People and Infants

On January 11, the 118th Congress passed H.Con.Res.3, a Concurrent Resolution denouncing violence against pro-life pregnancy centers, recognizing the sanctity of all human life, and demanding the Biden Administration use law enforcement to protect the rights of pro-life people. The Resolution passed 222 to 209. Immediately prior, H.R. 26, a bill dubbed the Born-Alive Abortion

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Congress Recognizes Equal Value of All Humans, Demands Biden DOJ Protect Pro-lifers from Violence

On Wednesday, January 11, in one of the first acts of the 118th Congress, a Concurrent Resolution was passed with a massive 124 co-sponsors. The resolution, which does not require the President’s signature, now goes to the Senate. Legislators today through the resolution did three things: 1) condemned the spree of violence targeting Christian pro-life

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Medical Ethicist Sounds the Alarm—FDA Sacrifices Women’s Safety for Chemical Abortion

On Tuesday, January 3, the FDA published new rules permitting certified pharmacies to fill chemical abortion drug prescriptions. Since pharmacies are state regulated, they still must follow any abortion restriction laws in that state. Chemical abortion now represents 54% of all abortions. This move by the FDA will likely increase that number. But this is

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Pro-life Groups Launch Private Investigation to Locate Pro-abortion Terrorists—Pro-life Strategist Predicts Increased Attacks in 2023

Over 78 Pro-life pregnancy centers have been attacked, including the firebombing of a pro-life medical network’s Buffalo office, injuring two firefighters. Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, the firebombed pro-life group, has contended for four months that the FBI is slow-walking and that their most recent posting of $25,000 reward leading to arrests of arsonists

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Medical Ethicist Says Abortion Empire State, NY, Fears Pro-life Pregnancy Center Investigation Battle Will Expose Crimes of Abortion Industry

The abortion capital of the U.S., New York, passed a bill on June 13 investigating pro-life pregnancy centers while at the height of violent attacks and threats against them. The legislation requires a task force of nine commissioners to collect any and all information related to the operation of pro-life pregnancy centers and then submit

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Hillary Clinton Compares Pro-Lifers to Terrorists—Jane’s Revenge Death Threats Follow

The pro-abortion domestic terror group known as Jane’s Revenge issued more death threats to pro-lifers in Omaha, Nebraska on December 3. Two days prior, Hillary Clinton compared pro-lifers to middle eastern terrorist regimes. The note was found taped to the door the morning of a Students for Life meeting at the John Paul II Newman

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Will FBI Leadership Serve Hard Time?

Rep. Jim Jordan, Incoming Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, made good on his promise to aggressively investigate the politicization of the FBI. On November 18, letters were sent to forty-two Biden Administration officials—including FBI Director Christopher Wray—mandating their cooperation in the Judiciary Committee’s “further investigations into allegations of politicization and bias at the Federal

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New York Times Twists Dobbs Leak to Undermine Court—Silent on Pro-Abortion Violence It Ignited

After refusing to cover the ongoing domestic violent extremism against pro-life organizations, on November 19, the New York Times released a 4000-word, 7-page article undermining the credibility of the conservative Supreme Court by targeting the Justice chosen to author the opinion on behalf of the majority: Justice Alito. The lengthy article relies heavily on hearsay

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