Tag Archives: Planned Parenthood

Concerns Over Medical Malpractice as Manhattan Planned Parenthood Closes

For Immediate Release: March 25, 2025 Manhattan, NY—On March 19, 2025, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, announced plans to sell their Manhattan Flagship location, shuttering services in the Borough, citing financial difficulties and remaining conspicuously silent on recent allegations of substandard practice. Competition is growing in the abortion capital of the nation, with

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The Future is Not Abortion

Appalling. Outrageous. Disgraceful. Shocking. Horrendous. Inexcusable.  Those are just six words that can’t begin to describe the loss of 25 innocent lives—children who will not only never be born, but will never grow up, get jobs, get married, have children, and enjoy their grandchildren. They were not protected as human beings made in the Image

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Pro-life Christians Give Women $368M, Abortion Biz Zaps Billions from Taxpayers

A new report reveals that Christian pro-life pregnancy centers gave women facing unplanned pregnancy $368 million of free services, including medical care, while being attacked by domestic terrorists in 2022, up $100 million from the previous year. Meanwhile, abortion biz, Planned Parenthood, zapped over $1 billion in Federal and State taxpayer money. CompassCare’s Buffalo office

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Calls for Abortion Industry Audit Following Revelations of Fraud, Malpractice (RAN)

In the wake of revelations in early July of large-scale abortion industry injury in New York, pro-life strategist, Rev. Jim Harden, called on all state Attorneys General and Health Departments to audit all abortionists in their states in an effort to protect women and children from what appears to be systemic injury and fraud. Over

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Abortion Expansion Market Analysis Targets Henrietta

During a recent Henrietta Town Board meeting, Planned Parenthood CFO, Christian Oleck, was asked why the organization feels a Henrietta location is beneficial. His somewhat clumsy response? Quote: “We did a Market Analysis study in the Henrietta, kind of Brighton area…was something…that positioned…access to our services, it really highlighted that we needed to be…um, and

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Abortion Biz Courts Henrietta to Suspend Zoning Laws for New Location

Abortion Biz Courts Henrietta to Suspend Zoning Laws for New Location

In January, Planned Parenthood of Western and Central New York abandoned their expansion project in Brighton under pressure from a grass roots coalition of residents who sued the Town for their lack of meaningful review in the approval process. The lawsuit stated the Brighton Town Planning Board failed to explore the negative impacts an abortion

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Abortion Industry Course Corrects Ahead of National Restrictions

The U.S. abortion industry is restructuring ahead of a shift in the abortion battleground from the Federal level to the state. NARAL is the nation’s oldest, and at twenty-five million in annual revenue, the largest abortion lobby. Fearing the Supreme Court will allow states to restrict abortion as early as next year, the abortion juggernaut

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Women’s Reproductive Health Takes Backseat at Planned Parenthood?

Planned Parenthood self-identifies as the champion of women’s reproductive health. Their annual revenue waterline now stands at $1.64 billion dollars. Oddly, one analysis shows the abortion business providing 72% fewer women’s health services than it has in the past. What services are contributing to Planned Parenthood’s staggering bottom line if not women’s health care?  

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