Tag Archives: unplanned pregnancy

The Infinite Value of Gianna and Her Baby

Gianna couldn’t stop sobbing. “CompassCare is a safe place, you can cry here,” her CompassCare nurse assured her. The first trimester nausea was continual. Her boyfriend was expressionless. Gianna’s own mother had stopped all communication weeks ago. She felt lonely, trapped, confused, and literally sick to her stomach. Gianna found CompassCare online. She called the

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Cheyenne and Her Baby Were Saved!

“There’s nothing you can do.” The words hit Cheyenne* like a truck as the events of the last 36 hours flashed through her mind. As a single mother living with her aunt, Cheyenne loves her 14-month-old baby boy, but even with her aunt’s help, it is difficult raising a child. Shocked, Cheyenne discovered she was

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Lighting the Way to Peace for Women Considering Abortion

Jesus was born into a world so inhospitable that an innkeeper relegated His laboring mother to give birth amongst animals. Children were so disposable the earthly king ordered the mass killing of infant boys around Bethlehem in an attempt to secure his political power against the threat of a foretold newborn King. For women facing

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Afraid to Even Say “Pregnant”

As Carmilla found herself in the crowded streets of New York City, she couldn’t help but miss home. Navigating her new reality—finding work, learning the language, renting an apartment, and more—was taking up all of her time. As ends weren’t meeting, she came to her breaking point: two pink lines on a home pregnancy test.

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She Already Lost a Baby

Victoria didn’t know about CompassCare the last time she got pregnant. All she knew was that she was alone, unsupported, and experiencing extreme nausea and dehydration. Her life in a freefall, she thought ending her pregnancy was her only option.  Tragically, Victoria’s baby was lost to abortion. She didn’t know what to feel and tried to resume life as normal

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Saved from Two Abortions

Kiyanna discovered she was pregnant. Like so many women, the coercions of culture caused her first to consider abortion. She even scheduled an abortion, hoping her life would return to normal. Kiyanna was conflicted in her heart. She felt stuck, like she needed an abortion. Yet it didn’t feel right. Considering herself “spiritual,” she asked

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Alexis’ Story—No Freedom in Abortion

Abortion is not freedom. After serving tens of thousands of women, CompassCare has observed that no woman really wants to have an abortion. She feels stuck, trapped, and without freedom or support—like abortion is her only escape. Alexis’ pregnancy test was positive. Suddenly, life as she had hoped and planned it would be seemed at

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